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为进一步促进南京大学校友对美国高等教育、科学研究、社会合作的积极参与和贡献,美国南京大学教育基金会 (American NJUEF) 现接受在美国的"捐赠人提名推荐"(Donor Advised) 美国高等院校在校学生受奖人以获取基金会的奖学金。基金会每年将有10-15 个名额给美国高等院校在校学生以此"捐赠人提名推荐"(Donor Advised)途经获取奖学金。有意参与资助本项目并提名推荐的校友及捐赠人请发邮件至 与基金会联系。


捐赠人提名推荐:  在美国的南京大学校友及捐赠人可通过捐赠网页捐款资助本项目(NJ-020-US Scholarship Fund)、并通过书面或电子邮件至 与基金会联系提名推荐奖学金候选人,该奖学金候选人必须是美国高等院校在校学生。


申请和审批:  候选人填写申请后报基金会评选委员会审议批准。奖学金额将由基金会评选委员根据收到的资助基金额决定。基金会可在捐赠人捐款基础上提供适当配比奖金。


奖学金发放:  奖学金将直接发放到受奖学生就读的美国高等院校。


Purpose: This fund provides US Scholarship Awards to individuals studying at qualified US education institutions to motivate the individuals to achieve excellence in academic study, sportsmanship, leadership, entrepreneurship or social responsibility. This Fund can be a Donor Advised Fund.


Qualifications: (1) Must be currently enrolled in a qualified education institution in the US for a degree; and (2) Must have demonstrated outstanding achievement in at least one of the following areas: academic study, sportsmanship, leadership, entrepreneurship or social responsibility.


Award Selection & Determination: (1) Applications are accepted all year round; (2) The Board of Directors of the Nanjing University Education Foundation (NJUEF) or its designated Committee reviews the applications at least once a year or as needed to select Awardees and determine amounts of awards based on the achievements and funding availability. (3) For donor advised Nominee, NJUEF may provide a matching fund. The Board may adjust the match from time to time.


Award Payment: The award must be directly paid to the education institution of the Awardee to be credited into Awardee’s account towards tuitions and fees. Refer to IRS web site for tax implications:


Other: A qualified education institution is a college, a university or an education institute accredited by an agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education.


This Fund can be a Donor Advised Fund.


See Full List of Scholarship Awards.


美国南京大学教育基金会(American NJUEF)是以促进高等教育、科学研究、社会合作以及其他非盈利目的而组建的经由美国IRS批准注册的公益组织。见基金会网站 自2008年组建以来,NJUEF已募得众多捐款,建立了十多个专项基金,为南京大学教育项目、南大教师国际讲学、南大学生、美国各地区南大校友和校友会的职业教育和文化交流等公益活动提供了大力资助。基金会已经与多个美国公司包括Apple、Amazon、Exelon、Novartis、Google、PPG等公司及多个基金会建立了Matching program 可以接受公司和基金会的配捐。






